
A project of SABE.A.LIBERTAD, Honduras_101 is a collection of 101 profiles of Honduran entrepreneurs and innovators who believe in a country of possibilities.

Each profile tells an individual story. As a collection, they tell the story of the country.  


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Honduras_101, what for?


Leadership and entrepreneurship development from an ontological perspective seeks to understand the narratives and limiting beliefs that individuals hold about who they are, with the intention to shift them in service of a brighter future. The same can be applied at societal level. For countries to evolve, much like individuals, countries must first understand the narratives that guide who they are and, if desired, create new narratives that better support the types of behaviours required to achieve a different future.

For example, a society where the prevailing narrative is that they are free and brave, such as the United States, offers a different starting point to its development and a different mandate to its citizens than a society where the prevailing narrative is that the country is poor, violent and corrupt. Citizens from one country are called to be different from the citizens in the other simply because of the narratives that underpin how the nation should be. A powerful narrative can be a determinant of how a society works, the vision it sets for itself, and what its citizens do.

This project takes this ontological look at innovation and entrepreneurship in Honduras. By creating a collection of public profiles that explain the stories behind 101 entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders, the project aims to contribute to a narrative of a Honduras that has opportunities and where there is hope for the future. 

nominate someone

Do you know a Honduran, living in Honduras, who driven by love towards themselves and this country is passionate about creating something amazing? They may be creating a business, social enterprise or movement. They deserve to be acknowledged! The trick is, they need to be gung-ho excited about what they are creating and they need to be doing it from certainty that Honduras is worth it. If so, give me a shout.